Swimming in Lake Toba

The plan was: move at 7 am then move to Medan. On the way to Medan,, we looked for opportunity to visit some nice places - if we had time. They said, we'll not get enough time because we use public transportation. But, some friends have done that. So, let's do it!

Our alarm had chimed at 5.30. We still have thirty minutes to just lay down on the bed before had to move to the bathroom, take a bath, than take our backpack to hit the road again.
But I forgot the things about just lying on the bed for thirty minutes before move out. I need to know how it fells to swim in Toba Lake. So, we get out from the room and go to the beach [it still funny on my thought to hear beach in Toba Lake. For people in Samosir, beach means land near the lake. In my opinion, beach means bound between sea and land].

It was dark at 5.45 pm in Samosir. The fog is in the air. The wheater is cold but fresh. We just sit on the grass, do nothing, and watch the color of the sky that turn into orange burst. The drizzle come, accompany our morning. God, may I swim in Toba Lake this time? Or should I back again on the future?

We decided to back to the room to take a shower and get prepared. On our way, we met a girl in black and white. I asked her if I can swim in Toba Lake. She said, off course. She told us the way to "the beach". Actually there's another location. I thought it's a sign. I have to exprience Toba Lake. So we change the direction, instead back to the room, we go to "the beach". The drizzle still continue. I still jump to the lake. Yippie,,, I swam in Toba Lake. Reta follow me to swim too. One more hour to stay at Tuk Tuk for the experience. How about the plan next. Let's do it.

- Dinilint -


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